If you would like to join us on Saturday or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Christine 4926 1845

Venue - We choose our start-off point for generally the month. Check out the U3A Facebook or we will let you know at the General Meeting the first Tuesday of the month at the Frenchville Sports Club.

Cost - No cost but sometimes we do have coffee/tea after our walk you can choose to join us if you do not have to rush off.



Requirements - Comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, hat. Name badge so we can get to know each other by name. ICE app (In Case Of Emergency) on your phone as it says in case of emergency.

On our walk you choose how fast and how long you walk. We all have a say where we will walk each month.

We started this group with the thought we would enter a U3A team in the 2022 Rocky River Run. Please do not be put off by the name we do not run we walk.

As I said above you can walk at your own pace

Members of the U3A Saturday Walking Group with some of their four footed friends in front of the Waterfall in the Kershaw Gardens